Adjustable multiple cutters need not be replaced when the profiles changed, which can save the preparation period and cost of tools. 位置可调整的多片刀具,使得更换型材时不必更换刀具,从而节约生产准备周期和刀具费用;
In consideration of construction period and cost, the article advocates that the combination of foundation pit support and concrete jacking can reach sound results for quicksand treatment. 文章从工期和成本两方面进行分析,认为将基坑支护和人工挖孔桩的流砂治理相结合取得较好效果。
The result shows that the period cost and the interest yield similar results in the business income wave. 结果表明:在企业收益波动程度方面,期间成本和债息的使用产生了类似的结果。
When cost of goods sold is recorded at the time of each sale, the balance of the Cost of Goods Sold account shows at the end of an accounting period the cost of goods sold during the period. 产品销售成本在销售时作下记录,产品销售成本账户期末的余额便是本期所销售的产品的成本。
This design method can improve effectively the performance of sophisticated RF microwave system and development success rate, and reduce the development period and cost. 利用该设计方法可有效提高复杂射频微波系统的性能和研制成功率,减少研制周期和成本。
The aim is to ensure quality, to control construction period and cost and to raise income on investment. 目的是保证质量、工期、控制造价,提高投资效益。
The advertisement expense is treated as period cost in the current accounting calculation, which has shown some shortfalls. 当前的会计核算将广告支出作为期间费用处理,这种核算方法不论在理论上还是在实务上,都存在着不足。
Analysis of Bituminous Pavement Structure and Its Life Period Cost 沥青路面结构及其寿命周期费用的分析
The Influence of Period Cost upon Growth ratio of Earnings Before Interest and Tax 期间成本对税息前收益增长率的影响
This paper deduces demonstrations of three lever factors and discusses theirs economic meaning when the interest and period fixed cost change. 在债息和期间固定成本发生变化时,推导出三个杠杆系数的表达式,并讨论了他们的经济意义。
Design habit and all life period cost of product 设计习惯与产品全生命周期成本
The analyses show that as a result of the advantages, such as smaller size, lower life period cost and shorter payback period, the latent heat energy storage system should be the first choice of electrothermic energy storage. 认为电热相变蓄热装置体积小,寿命周期成本低,投资回收年限短,应为蓄热式电采暖的首选形式。
For using The Computer Virtual Simulation Technology, it can aid product design, reduce the R& D period and cost and get the best and the most novel products. 本文采用计算机虚拟仿真技术,可以指导产品设计,缩短开发周期,减少开发费用和成本,提高产品的系统性能,获得最优和创新的设计产品。
Therefore, constructing the cost index factors, accounting and counting the period cost in time, and analyzing and evaluating the project cost correctly are of very important significance to effective control of the construction cost level and raising the construction enterprise performance. 构建成本指标因素,及时核算与统计期间成本,正确分析与评价项目成本,可有效控制施工成本水平,提高施工企业效益。
The expressions of lever coefficients are obtained according to four factors of the sales volume, unit gross profit, period fixed cost, interest in the different conditions. 根据销售量、单位毛利、期间固定成本、债务利息四个因素的不同状态,得到了相应的杠杆系数表达式。
This paper analyzes the necessity of strengthening effectiveness management of period cost in managerial construction enterprises, and it also puts forward some relevant suggestions in accordance with A construction enterprise's reality. 本文分析了建筑企业期间费用的效益管理对于管理型建筑企业的必要性,并结合A建筑企业的实际,提出了一些建议。
The quality of the product, efficiency of processing, manufacture period and cost of the enterprise have attracted the highly recognition of scholars and entrepreneurs. Therefore, which makes higher demands on the level of automatization. 制造企业的产品质量,加工效率,生产周期和制造成本等引起了广大学者和企业家的高度重视。
As the volume of sales is greater than the boundary point,( the utilization) of the period cost and the interest will increase the wavy degrees of business income. 当销售量大于分界点时,期间成本、债息的应用将增加企业收益的波动程度。
The high-efficiency welding technology has effects on shipping manufacturing's quality, period and cost. 高效焊接技术对造船质量、造船周期以及造船成本都有重要影响。
To solve configuration design problems, on the basis of the current manufacturing resource, the elements that comprise cost of machine tools and operation cost were analyzed, and production period cost model of reconfigurable manufacturing systems ( RMS) was constructed. 针对可重构制造系统(RMS)的组态设计问题,以现有的制造资源为基础,分析了RMS中机床设备与加工成本的组成要素,构建了RMS的生产周期成本模型。
Management of Whole Life Cost is a method which can realize life cycle including build period, operate period and demolish period total cost minimum. 全生命周期造价(WLC)管理是一种实现工程项目全生命周期,包括建设期、运营期和拆除期等阶段总成本最小化的方法。
We use data warehouse bus architecture, whose advantage is that the development team can establish each data marts asynchronous according to the bus specification, and it can reduce the developing period and cost. 该架构的优点在于数据仓库开发团队可以按照总线规范异步地独立地建立各个数据集市,可以缩短建设周期和费用,又具有良好的一致性和可扩展性。
This research object is the risk of the railway engineering construction, the environment of the railway construction is diversiform and complex, so the risk of the period and cost is very big. 本文的研究对象是铁路工程施工中的风险,铁路施工环境具有多样性、复杂性等特点,所以工期和费用风险都非常大。
Though we have had greatly progress in means of the spatial data acquisition, the aspects about the quality, period and cost of the spatial data acquisition are needed to be enhanced improved. 人们在空间数据的获取手段虽然已有很大的进步,但数据的获取的质量、周期与成本等仍需进一步的提高和改进。
It mainly contains product development phase cost control, raw materials purchase and inventory cost control, artificial cost control, period cost control, and enhancement of the employees 'level of cost control combined with the specific production and business activities. 主要包括产品开发阶段的成本控制,原材料采购及库存成本控制,人工成本控制,期间费用控制,并结合具体的生产经营活动来加强员工的成本控制水平。
The period cost management idea formation and the level of productivity development and management level, at present our country enterprise is closely related to the cost management concept and method of big industrial period traditional cost management. 一定时期的成本管理观念的形成与生产力发展水平和管理水平密切相关,目前我国企业的成本管理的理念和方式还是以大工业时期传统的成本管理为主。
The cost model includes material costs, labor costs, equipment cost and total expenses, etc. According to actual, the time/ cost tradeoff is divided into two models: calculating the minimum cost identified time, calculating the minimum period identified cost. 费用模型主要包括材料费用、劳动力费用、设备费用和总费用等。依据实际需要,将时间-费用权衡问题的分为两种模型:工期确定下计算最小费用、费用确定下计算最小工期。
It has obvious advantages: Shorten the construction period, cost savings, and economic. 塔梁同步施工优点明显:缩短了工期,节约了成本,方案经济。
Cost is the enterprise for the production of certain products of the corresponding period cost, it reflects a enterprise management status and competitive ability. 成本就是企业为生产一定产品的相应时期内的耗费,它反映出一个企业的经营管理状况和竞争能力。
Then discuss cost accounting principles to establish a system responding to anti-dumping, Period cost accounting and allocated method, environmental cost accounting method and so on. 然后,论述了构筑应对反倾销导向下的产品成本核算原则、期间费用的核算与分摊要领、环境成本核算方法等关键环节。